About the Kiwanis Club of Brick

Our club was proudly chartered April 18, 1957 and from then on, our mission has been to support our community. The Kiwanis Club of Brick proudly sponsors the Brick Township High School and Point Pleasant Beach High School Key Clubs.

We offer flexible and fun ways to give back to Brick Township. Our fundraisers have included fun activities such as paint & sips, local trips, comedy club night, gift auctions, raffles, kids’ candy making classes and pocketbook bingo.

We contribute to local children’s causes, provide scholarship support for high school students and volunteer together at community events and in support of community causes. We support locally owned businesses.

Some of our volunteer interests include: beach clean ups,  supporting at risk kids, helping homeless pets and supporting activities, such as Trunk or Treat and The Festival of Lights, that make our community a better place for kids.

We are always looking for a good cause to support in Brick and welcome new ideas from our members and the community!

Our meetings are the first and third Thursday of every month at Tuscany Restaurant on Route 88 in Brick at 6:45PM. Guests are welcome to attend our meetings and join us for dinner. We order from the menu so the cost of your meal is affordable.

Join Us!